I have provided technical assistance to a variety of stakeholders, in diverse institutional settings, on matters of governance, institutional design & development, constitutional reform, legal education, and the Rule of Law
I was trained with one foot in the Law and another in the Social Sciences; and I am passionate about using empirical research and legal know-how to arrive at pareto-superior institutional outcomes for governments and organizations embroiled in difficult institutional reform processes.
I was trained to recognize and account not only for institutional goals and outcomes, but also for the ‘fit’ of a given institutional framework within existing local conditions. Taken together, this Academic-Practitioner dyad helps me approach institutional puzzles in ways that recognize and account for their inherent social complexity. Through this approach, I attempt to move beyond a ‘one-size-fits-all’, ‘best practices’ approach and toward a contextually-framed, endogenously-sourced institutional solutions anchored in an inter-disciplinary approach that pays particular attention to local conditions.
The importance of this approach is backed by empirics: Wherever institutional practices do not fit within or respond to endogenous, local ways of thinking, doing, or acting, institutions fail time and time again.
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